Saturday, 1 February 2014


Students compete against each other in small groups. Each student starts with 5 counters and try to win as many as possible from the other members of their group. Each student picks up a card from the pile with a phrase on. I got students to make their own to save me some time. The group then has to translate the sentence. If they get it right, they keep their counters but if they get it wrong, they each have to give one of their counters to the student that read it out. Amongst the deck will be some cards with 'trichez!' on. If they pick one of these, they have to make up a phrase without the rest of the group realising what they are doing. If they can bluff their way though until after the group has translated, the rest of the group will have to give them a counter each even if they translated the phrase correctly. 

I did this with the topic of daily routine and time but it could also be used as a revision activity for an assessment. If you have time, you could prepare the sentences but I allowed students to make up 4 of their own with the help of their books. I also got students to think about a reserve phrase in case they picked up a trichez card. 

Thanks to someone on twitter for the original idea. Sorry but I can't remember who! 

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