Thursday, 27 March 2014

Teachmeet - North Petherton 29th January

Here are some ideas that I picked up at tmsomerset.
1. Writing through blogging - set a word limit challenge or give students prompts ( wasn’t my fault...), picture prompts or 5 words as prompts.
 2. For a different way of presenting, get an educational account for Prezi
 3. Build with crome - digital lego
 4. Video FX live - use for greenscreening
 5. Hamilton trust website for ideas with planning
 7. Heads up charades
 8. Hand books in for marking with a traffic light system to show how students think they have done in the topic
 9. wee mee - create avatars
 10. make waves - school blogs and secure social networking
 11. Barefoot World Atlas app

 12. Use soundcloud to record audio

Revision ideas for Year 11

Ideas from my colleagues of revision activities for GCSE classes:

-GCSE vocab cards: students make cards with German phrases, blank on the other side. In groups, they put a card down, person who says it fastest in English keeps the card (good for 8-10 phrases). After a while: write the English on reverse side and play other way round. Make sure pupils initial their cards in case you mix groups.

- Ask studens to draw a grid, each grid covering a topic (could be grammar e.g. tenses and/or modules e.g school/health etc). Read out phrases or words in TL; students group them in English under correct topic.Works great for tenses.

- Mini-whiteboards: Draw in 10 seconds what teacher said in TL.

I have been using the 12 game but in multiples of 10 at the end of lessons…students count up to 120, they can say one number at a time, or two, or three, but whoever says 120 is out. So one student might say 10, the next 20, 30, 40, the next 50, 60, 70, the next , 80, 90, the next 100, 110…then the student who would have to say 120 is out/loses a life. Works for whole class or small groups.