Saturday, 29 June 2013

Guess the room!

Record some sounds to play to the class. Soundhound would be good for this or there are some sounds on YouTube. Students have to decide which room there are from. Here are some suggestions:
  • running a tap
  • flushing the toilet
  • brushing your teeth
  • turning the shower on
  • boiling a kettle
  • opening a bottle of fizzy drink
  • running the washing machine
  • opening the fridge door
  • using the microwave
  • dropping ice into a glass
  • laying the table
  • scraping a chair across the floor
  • switching the radio on or off
  • turning on the TV
  • typing on the PC
  • opening a packet
  • cutting with scissors
  • using a hair dryer 
  • brushing your hair
  • climbing stairs


really like wordle for displaying text. Here are 10 examples of how I've used it in the past. 
1. View for 30 secs - how many words can you remember? 
2. How many adjectives can you spot? 
3. Introduce new vocabulary. Find the 10 items of food etc. 
4. Speaking task where your partner ticks off words as you use them. How many can you use in 1 minute? Same for writing. How many can you include? 
5. I say the English and students shout out the colour of the French, German word.  
6. Introduce the vocab test words. Students could guess the words they need to learn for homework as a plenary.
7. Copy an article from a newspaper/ song lyrics and see the most common words used.
8. Give students a wordle in black and white and ask them to colour all nouns one colour, past verbs another etc.
9. Displays or labels
10. I can't remember who but someone on twitter kindly produced the wordle attached to this post which contains all the words from the GCSE listening papers. Students highlight the ones they know and learn the ones they don't.